2014 Election Results
The annual election for KREIA officers and Board members was conducted at the regular June meeting on June 26, 2014. The polls were open from 5:30 pm to 7:00 p.m.
There were 55 votes cast.
The election results are as follows:
President - Dennis Erhard
Vice-President - Frank Miller
Secretary - David Thomas
Treasurer - Mike Grinnan
Treasurer-Elect - Wally Kallbreier
Those elected for a 2 year term on the Board:
George Foree
Jamie Greenwell
Erik Hitzelberger
Fred Helm
Eric George
Mike Butler
Elected for a 1 year term on the Board
Fred Butler
Demetrius Dowdell
The newly elected officers and Board members will be duly installed and take office at the July meeting.
Attorney Hank Schildknecht
Election Committee Chair