National REIA Now 2nd Quarter Bulletin for 2022


National REIA Now Q2 bulletinNational REIA's Legislative Update for the second quarter of 2022 brings grim warnings related to inflation, COVID-19, oil demand and pricing, the Russian-Ukraine war, and food shortages. But it also encourages us investors to flex our creativity and ingenuity to keep the real estate market strong. Click to download the update or read it online.

In the Benefits Update portion of this bulletin, National REIA takes a look at affiliates Arcana Insurance Services and REIPro. Arcana offers insurance products specifically designed for real estate investors and tenants. REIPro is an all-in-one online software package that helps investors source, track, market and profit from property leads.

National REIA Now 1st Quarter Bulletin for 2022


National REIA NowNational REIA's Legislative Update for the first quarter of 2022 warns of coming changes in inflations and interest rates and advises, "Please make sure your business model is prepared for the ensuing financial headwinds. The Fed is signaling a rate increase in March of 2022, with a 'couple more' for the remainder of the year." Click to download the update or read it online.

In the HUD Update portion of their bulletin, they report that the HUD "has significantly increased funding for testers and fair housing violations – please make sure your business
is up to date on ALL fair housing requirements." If you have an opportunity to take a Fair Housing class, it would be a good idea to take it.

In this issue National REIA also spotlights the REIAsure Insurance Group, which "provides a Rent Guarantee Program that offers job loss and disability protection to keep people in their homes." And also, "Their automated, simplified platform helps ensure participating commercial or residential clients purchase and maintain their insurance.."

National REIA also reminds us of a new offer from Equity Trust that includes the digital download of a best-selling book on managing your self-directed IRA.

Watch October 2021's Beginning Investors Workshop


Erik Hitzelberger and John Mays at Spirit of Love CenterIf you missed the workshop held Saturday, Oct. 30, when KREIA teamed up with NAREB and Master Builder's Academy at the Spirit of Love Center, you can watch it now on KREIA's Public Facebook Page!

You'll learn about how you can flip houses using other people's money — which results in a "no-money down" deal for you! You'll learn about how to use rental property to become financially free!

KREIA President Erik Hitzelberger, along with KREIA board member John Mays, kicked things off at the workshop. Other speakers who shared their knowledge included:

Many thanks to Pastors Derek & Claressa Wilson at the Spirit of Love Center for hosting this event and to KREIA Board Member Alexis Fentress for livestreaming it to Facebook.

UPDATED: How Congress is About to Shut Down Your Business (and what you can do about it) with John Hyre


Tax attorney John Hyre has posted an Oct. 28th update:

Democratic Anti-SDIRA/401k Proposals Are Dead: Per the American Society of Pension Professionals & Actuaries, ALL of the IRA & 401k provisions have been dropped from the reconciliation bill. Source.

Good news! Earlier...

Hyre lays out all the reasons why investors must write letters to their representatives in Congress to protest proposed "Build Back Better" legislation that would gut investors' ability to invest in real estate using their self-directed IRAs. It could also cause a forced distribution.

John gave a presentation to Vena Jones-Cox's Ohio REIA, which you can watch above, and he has shared his slideshow with us. Vena has also shared a document explaining why this legislation should not be passed — and you can borrow from it in order to write your own representative.

Revisit Tamara West's Tool Tips


Tamara WestAll the video replays from Tamara West's Tool Tip Tuesday Zoom calls so far are available now for members to view. Check them out and learn how to...

Please note that you'll need to be an active KREIA member who's logged into your account in order to view these replays.

And be sure to attend Tool Tip Tuesdays live so that you can talk with Tamara.

Revisit the 2021 L.O.T.S. Houses


L.O.T.S. houses of 2021All the video replays from our L.O.T.S. events this year are available now for members to view. Get educated and motivated by taking virtual tours through houses — and an apartment building — that KREIA members have renovated.

L.O.T.S.: Jacob Michal hosts in PRP


Jacob Michal Jacob Michal, a 23-year-old investor known in KREIA for wholesaling, invites us into his Pleasure Ridge Park flip project, which he found by cold-calling and which looks to earn him about $50k in profit.

During this Sept. 28, 20201, L.O.T.S. event, Jacob leads us on a tour, shares his numbers, and answers questions about his finishes and some of the vendors he used.

Alexis Fentress facilitates from the site.

Looking for inspiration for your next fix-and-flip project? Watch this members-only video.

To see photos and a quick breakdown of the numbers from this project, check out Alexis Fentress' post on Jacob's project over in KREIA's Private Facebook Group. Photographer Bruce Hinson, of Obedient Camera, also posted photos over on Facebook.

Are you a KREIA active member who's not yet part of the Facebook Group? You can request to join here.

Supreme Court Blocks Eviction Moratorium


Supreme Court. Photo from Pixabay.comIn a decision late Thursday evening, August 26, the U.S. Supreme Court blocked the CDC from enforcing a federal moratorium on evictions that was recently reinstated by the Biden Administration.

CNBC said called it a defeat for the Biden administration’s efforts to continue the eviction moratorium despite an earlier signal from the court that the government lacked the proper legal basis.

According to the The Wall Street Journal, in the unsigned opinion, the court’s conservative majority said the temporary eviction ban exceeded the CDC’s authority to combat communicable diseases, forcing landlords to bear the pandemic’s costs.

Read more at:

Full Replay: Beginning Investors Workshop


Donnie Adkins answers questionsIf you're a new investor who has questions about what it takes to get started in real estate, you'll find a lot of answers by watching the replay of June 26th's Beginning Investors workshop.

KREIA teamed up with NAREB and Master Builders Academy to present a free workshop to the public, and we're making the video free to view via our public Facebook page.

You'll hear from KREIA members George Foree, Marcus Britton, Donnie Adkins, and Frank Miller — plus experts from NAREB and Master Builders Academy — on how they got started in real estate and what strategies they use today. You'll hear about how they flip houses for quick cash and build portfolios of rental properties to create financial freedom and build generational wealth.

You will learn so much — about how to buy houses with little of your own money, how to buy vacant houses from the city, and more.

Thanks to KREIA board members Hampton Scurlock for emceeing and Alexis Fentress for recording and livestreaming the video!

April 2021 Full Meeting Replay: Rehabbing for Investors


Rehabbing for InvestorsStacey Duvall, Wendy Kays and Jacqueline Smith team up to give us perspectives on rehabbing. All three women are successful rehabbers, and they each approach it from a slightly different angle.

Stacey is a broker, agent, housing provider, interior designer and Airbnb owner who rehabs to hold. In this meeting she gives us an overview of rehabbing and talks about where to source deals.

Wendy is VP of operations at MM Lending, so she works closely with rehabbers who get funding from her company. Wendy is also a rehabber and housing provider on her own. She covers what to expect when you approach lenders for funding on your own projects.

Jacqueline Smith, as a project manager for turnkey rental company Freedom Property Group, juggles multiple rehab projects at a time. In this meeting she shows us some of the tools she uses to manage those rehabs. She also fixes and flips her own properties and is building a rental portfolio.

In the early meeting, Rob Bergeron of The Louisville Network talks about how wholesalers can offload some of the administrative work to his company. Rob, also a real estate agent, analyzes our current market. For the member orientation segment, Stacey and Jordan Pohn describe the advantages of joining KREIA.

In all you'll find 2½ hours of real estate instruction, real estate talk and Q&A. Watch this members-only video. (You'll need to be logged in as an active KREIA member to see it.)